The NOI.edition

Italian home cuisine.

Cookery courses

Fabio cooks. And you cook with him. Sounds interesting. And funny. And promising. And tasty. And much more.

It is indeed all that. Because it’s not just a case of learning and cooking, but also a lot of laughing, tasting, sampling and enjoying. For all those who want to give their own kitchen a fresh kick and an Italophile innovation boost, Fabio's NOI.editions are the starting point for new culinary journeys at your own cooker. 

From homemade pasta to the legendary pizza dough á la Fabio. And from fresh fish in a salt crust to Italian "dolce". But the programme also includes barbecue courses - and those who want to be initiated into Fabio's secret passion can dare an excursion into the world of vegan cuisine. This can then quickly turn into a lifelong journey of passion. NOI.tip: For those who enjoy being cooked for, simply give away our cooking courses as a gift voucher!



NOI cooking courses 2023

Plan your own cooking course with us for a family or company event. Our cooking courses always take place on the selected Saturdays from 9 am to around 2 pm and are limited to 10 to 12 people.

Price per person € 149

The cooking course includes: recipes, coffee, water, glass of prosecco, menu of the prepared dishes and corresponding wines.



"L'amore per la Pizza"

Am 21.09.2024 bekommen Sie einen Einblick in die Welt der Pizza. Wir zeigen Ihnen die wichtigsten Eckpunkte wie die Herstellung der verschiedenen Teige, Temperaturen im Ofen, herzhaften Zutaten und die Tomatensauce.


"Pasta e selvaggina"

Am 12.10.2024 kombinieren wir verschiedene Pastagerichte mit herbstlichen Wildkreationen


"Ricette dell´avvento"


Die Adventküche:

Weihnachtliche Gerichte von Nord bis Süd Italien.